They say it takes 21 days to create a new habit. That’s kind of a weird idea though, isn’t it? It doesn’t take that long to form a bad habit. And sometimes, no matter how hard we try, it takes us a lot longer to form a new habit.
Continue reading “How Long Does It Really Take To Create A New Habit?”Make It A Habit – The Benefit Of A Routine & Habit Filled Day
Do you ever notice that it gets harder to make decisions toward the end of the day? You’re too tired to figure out what to have for dinner or what to watch on TV. That’s because we all have a finite amount of decisions that we can make in any given day. I like to call this “decision fatigue.”
Continue reading “Make It A Habit – The Benefit Of A Routine & Habit Filled Day”The Female Cycle
Women go through cycles, just as men do, but our cycles couldn’t be more different. Men cycle on a 24 hour clock. Their hormones dip and rise in a cyclical pattern daily. You may notice this as you watch your husband, brother, son, or father. Their testosterone levels are higher in the morning and lower at night. Every day, they repeat this cycle.
Continue reading “The Female Cycle”Love
Love is so important, in all forms. Self-love is essential to our well-being. We also need to have Have you ever wondered why we hear the terms “soul mate,” “bosom partner,” “partner for life?” Well, according to legend, Plato once told a story of how he believed the humans came to be. The tale tells of why we, as humans in particular, look for “the perfect person.” Plato’s Symposium goes like this:
Continue reading “Love”